Phone: 0414 534 551
ABN: 20623171827

Your technology issues fixed or the work is free. Reasonable, competitive rates.
Available 7 days; reliable and punctual; WE COME TO YOU.

NEW: Remote support available over your internet connection!

  • We believe that computers and technology, while complex, do not need to be scary or difficult.
  • We provide honest advice and consultation, not a sales pitch. The aim is to solve your technology problem or meet your needs, not to sell you product.
  • We start by looking at what you need from your technology. There is no point buying the latest thing in high-tech if you don’t really need the functions it provides. (Of course, if you really want it, we believe in that too!)
  • We’re not afraid to use free products either – see our Software page in the tabs above for current recommendations.
  • Refer a friend and you both save 15% off the next service call.

Click on Services at the top of the screen to see what we do.

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